Clearing the Clutter From Your Space

Workspace… Home Space… Headspace…

Helping you get your projects done!

The No. 1 challenge facing most people when it comes to being organized is where to even begin.  The space we want to tackle has become so overwhelmed that diving in to create order and establish balance seems like a losing battle. 

However, being organized and changing things up in your space doesn’t have to be so daunting!

At Ener-CHI Interiors, I aim to simplify and clarify your organizing or design project journey. My expertise ensures that your space is not only aesthetically pleasing but also tailored to enhance your well-being. Together we will create a harmonious environment that reflects your unique style and promotes a sense of balance and energy flow.

Organizing and Designing your space can bring a sense of calm and clarity to your life.

We all know to start decluttering we need to consider:

  • getting rid of items no longer needed.

  • the importance of creating designated storage areas for different categories of items to make finding things easier.

  • utilizing bins, baskets, and shelves to keep things neat and tidy.

  • making a habit of putting things back in their designated places after use to maintain order.

  • knowing that by staying organized, you can improve efficiency, reduce stress, and create a more functional and pleasant environment to work or live in.

All of which is WAY EASIER said then done. (Trust me… I get it, believe it or not I’ve been there too) 

So how do you get “it” done? 

You hire a professional like me to empower your success, guiding you to achieve your projects and accomplish your goals with loving support and an approach as unique as you are.

My business, Ener-CHI Interiors, offers coaching and consulting, infusing aspects of professional organizing, and interior design, along with elements of Feng Shui and a minimalist mindset. The best part is that my approach isn’t about what works for me, it’s crafting a space that works for YOU! Inspiring you to take action…

Clearing Away the Clutter by Organizing Your Space:

When it comes to organizing your space, we look at the purpose of the space and how you plan to use it, identifying the practical needs you have for setting up a system that will work for you! If you have struggled with being organized at work or at home and want to learn more about how my unique approach can help you be sure to schedule your call today. Yes, even your thoughts need and can be organized with loving support and accountability! 

Enhancing Your Environment With Practical Design Ideas: 

Many people underestimate the impact their environment can have on their mood and productivity. Simple adjustments in your space can yield a profound difference. From placement of furniture, use of decorative accessories or window treatment, to simply acknowledging how your space makes you feel. For a review of your space to see what shifts you can make reach out today to schedule a call!

You’ve Got This! 

Almost everyone wants to organize or design their space… on their own. It’s just that many people are too overwhelmed with where to begin or what steps to take to bring their visions to life. The sheer volume of items in their space has become too much to manage. Additionally, it could be the headspace that is cluttered.  Have you ever heard someone say “If I could just get organized… then I’d get organized!” This is where headspace organizing comes in. If you would like to talk through your project and goals to guarantee success in bringing your vision to life reach out today to schedule a call! 

If you are ready to say goodbye to the chaos and hello to a harmonious space that inspires, motivates, and empowers your success, then let me help you create a workspace, home space, or headspace, you’ll love. 

Reach out today to take the first step toward a clutter-free, beautiful space for you to thrive in! 

What My Clients Are Sharing…

I am so grateful for all of the work you’ve done with us, from organizing the studio and living room to designing my office. Your inspiration has been incredible!

Working with you opened me up to possibilities in the design of the room but also encouraged me to be open and play with ideas within my business.

I realized how important a working space that feels like me truly is!

Workspace Project Examples

A Completely Virtual Service Option…

Activate and Accelerate Your Vision…

Are you wanting to turn your vision into reality but feeling stuck?

This "Simple Project Strategy Call" is your catalyst for change. In this focused session, we go beyond mere discussion – we're diving deep into the heart of your project, unearthing the challenges, and unlocking the potential.

  • Whether you want to be guided to take action or you are looking for more hands on help, I am here for you!

    What You'll Experience:

    Personalized Attention: Get expert guidance tailored to your unique project needs.

    Activation Strategy: Discover the action steps needed to transition from stagnant to stellar. We'll outline a clear, concise path for bringing your vision to life.

    Acceleration Techniques: Fast-track your project to build momentum without sacrificing quality.

    Master Goal-Setting: Breaking your project down into manageable and meaningful steps to ensure success every step of the way.

    Overcoming Obstacles: Identify potential roadblocks and strategize ways to navigate them efficiently.

    Blueprint for Success: Walk away with a concrete plan that you can start implementing immediately. This isn’t just a chat; it’s a launchpad for your success.

    Who Is This For?

    Whether you’re an entrepreneur with a groundbreaking idea, a small business owner looking to scale, or an individual with a personal project that’s close to your heart, this session is the stepping stone you need. If you’re ready to take action and propel your project forward, the "Simple Strategy Call" is for you.

    Package includes:

    • review of space via photos (if applicable)

    • 90-minute strategy session

    • breakdown of key notes and outline emailed to you so you can dive right in to taking action!

    • 1 x follow up/next steps call.

    • upgrade to hands-on assistance

    Take the First Step:

    Embark on your journey of transformation. Book your session today and let’s bring your project to life, faster and more efficiently than you ever thought possible!

    Package Price | $197.

Home Space Project Examples

Gayle asked me questions and gave insights that helped develop my vision for the space, creating a warm inviting environment for clients. She brought in style elements that captured the “feel” I wanted for the space. She even took photos that were “website ready” which generated a lot of excitement and interest in the space- It’s been a true pleasure to work with Gayle to make my business space come to life!

Get started with Gayle Gunn & Ener-CHI Interiors today.